Sunday, 26 April 2009

HotBed @ MacBeth 25-04-09

It's been a while since my last cameraclub move, I kind of grew tired of it. But this time it was a request of brilliant Margareth Tatcher lovin' Margot Bowman and Bip Ling (the beautiful daughter of renowned fashion illustrator Tanya Ling who recently produced the prints for the 2009 Cruise collection for Louis Vuitton.) who organise a monthly clubnight called Hotbed held at Macbeth, Hoxton Street which according to Bowman is "basically the least pretentious thing you've been to all year, loud music, good music, good people, cheap drinks and cheap entrance and that's Hotbed. It's gonna be like fire yeah so make sure you're wearing nice underwear". On the decks: STUNNERS INTERNATIONAL, RATTUS RATTUS from grime, dubstep, hip-hop, DnB & reggae collective URBAN NERDS, BEENY ROYSTON and WHITE KIDS. I didn't regret taking the opportunity to take my bigboynikon out for a night on the town, it was a super sexy/lovely/dirty/shithot night, I met some cool kids and witnessed a colorfull crowd breaking it down to some heartwarming oldschool tunes I thought I'd never hear again. It's all about being young, bright and brilliant in London baby. (I'm talking about you!) The rest of the series should be featured in the parties section of soon. Mwah x.

1 comment:

Kliteratus said...

een na laatste foto: LET ME SEE YOUR BASSFACE!