Sunday 9 November 2008

Another month has passed, what more could I wish for.

Typography classes.
Mr. Porky's.
New friends with intuitive insight.
Late-night illustration sessions with food and laughs.
New cakes.
Rediscovering the (ir)relevance of violence.
Effortless being.
Old friends that know exactly what's what.
The freaking guy with the cello.
Being in London.
Being shocked and gaining from it.
BBC iPlayer.
Meaningful literature.
Sleeping, waking up and falling asleep.
Bulgarian hospitality.
Cheap bus tickets.
Sainsbury's cold chick pee salad.
Photography revisited.
Markets that don't make me vomit.
Walks by the water.
Useful shit.
The girl with the silver hair.
Hampstead Heat.
New musical knowledge.
Being admired without making an effort.
Seeing friends fall in love.
A flatmate who picks you up at 2 AM with his taxi.
Being understood.
Dreaming about Saldjoe.
Next level discussions.
Being drawn (for the 1st time) by people with skills.
Feeling worthy.
Free fags.
New inspiration.
Knowing what's best for me.
Letting go.

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