Since 1966, every August Bank holiday, west London streets turn from your average posh neighbourhood into an overwhelming colorful sea of dancing, laughing, shouting, pulling and celebrating people. With a 20 mile route, 40 earrupturing soundsystems, hundreds of carribean food stalls, 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million visitors this is the largest street festival you'll come across in Europe. Last year I arrived in London 1 day too late so I had my Notting Hill Carnival cherry popped today. Normally, just the word carnival alone makes me puke but this was beautiful, I don't know how else to describe it. The energy was extroardinary. There were masses of healthy looking people, having a dance, a laugh, a smoke. It's amazing to see so many people simultaniously letting go, no shame, no fear. And the weather was fabulous! And the food, ahhh.... I'm knackered, I lost my voice, my feet and leg joints are busted, I ate/drank more than I probably should (*EDIT* I also broke a tooth and when the bus broke down in the middle of the road on my way back home, I accidentally stabbed a guy in the head with one of my nails :s) but it was very much worth it, can't wait untill next year and you should come too! x

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