So after 2 weeks of touching base, enjoying the sun and getting sorted at the other homefront, I'm back in London. I'm one week away from starting my 2nd year at uni and regardless of how much fun I've had, I can't wait. One of the necessary things that needed to be done was to organize the contents of my laptop, discs and hard drives. I found out that I have more than 10.000 images on one of my harddrives alone! I got a request to gather all the pictures that I took and that were taken of my Dutch friends over the past years; a hommage style artwork is in order. So I set up a Flickr account, 400 images so far and counting. Looking over the series, a very predictible pattern of hanging, partying and bullshitting occures and I know, how many photographs can one take of a bunch of slackers getting smashed before it gets boring and repetitive, right? It's not at all the case, they're memory generating images of awesome people having fabulous times and as I can see ourselved growing progressively older, slower, fatter and wiser an eyewatering feel of nostalgia creeps up on me. So for those who haven't been around (for long) I've posted some previews of what's taken place in my world the past 5 years. I want to thank all of those in the Netherlands, the UK and New Zealand for contributing but above all praise to those who would allow me to steal their souls! Bedankt mensen, me love you longtime. -x-

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