In high school I struggled my way through Sartre's Huis Clos (No Exit) as part of French class. Last year when I was doing some personal research I was reminded of the play again and then stumbled upon a sci-fi/thriller/horror flick called "The Box", Richard Kelly's (Donnie Darko, Southland Tales) adaptation of "Button Button", a short novel written by Richard Matheson. (What Dream May Come, I Am Legend) Now wether the references to Sartre's ideas in this film do his philosophies justice I'm not quite sure of, there are some clever and subtle visual references, but the film kinda ends up being a melodramatic blockbuster with stories left untold. But at the time I was watching it I found it super enjoyable. It's one of those films that I can just watch over and over again just for it's aesthetics. Anyway, since getting familiar with Eric Rosenberg's work for the movie and television industry I've been more consciously looking at graphic design and composition in films and tv-series than I have before. I did this post to show some stills of The Box, which I think I watched over 3 times now. I love the visuals and cinematography, highly inspirational. Much love to cinematographer Steven Poster (who was also 2nd Unit Director of Photography on Blade Runner and Close Encounters of the Third Kind) for making this film so visually scrumptious.

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