Some time last year I got a msg from a friend who told me her friend Donald Milne needed an assistant for a London couples shoot. It was a last minute job and I'd never worked with him. With the wrong photographer / models a photoshoot can turn into a downright pain. But I decided to tag along anyway which I have absolutely no regrets about. It was funnest photo-assistant job evar so far which included learning some new tricks, getting fuckloads of free crisps and meeting some really nice people. Also being in the presence of these people and seeing them being genuinely fun, gentle and loving towards eachother - in the presence of others - without being sickeningly gross about it was quite a lovely happening in itself. :) I kinda forgot about this shoot untill yesterday, when someone mentioned how great the photos came out in the 'By The Way I Think That I Am in Love With You' article in this month's i-D's 'The Lovers of Life' issue. And to my surprise I was mentioned in there as the official photography assitent! (Yup, not assistent but 'assitent.') Ahw, I feel like someone just gave me a lovely little present, like a homemade heartshaped cupcake with my name written on it in cherryblossom pink glazing haha. :) x

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