it's been 7 days since my return from a 3.5 week lasting springbreak in the Netherlands. It started of with a crazy busride from London Victoria Station to my hometown Den Bosch, including loud bagpipe&kilt rocking Scotsmen on a mission to Amsterdam to attend the football match that once again proved that Scotland can't beat the Netherlands (just give up, wankers), a drunken teenage Ozzie who threw up on the bus and a Maroccan busdriver who completely lost it after he'd discovered Ozzie threw up on his bus. Maroc's mouth was foaming and he was determined to leave him behind along the road in Calais and everyone including a mentally unstable Belgian woman went nuts. After every bus trip I tell myself NEVER to make use of the Euroline services again and every time I do end up travelling by bus and something dramatic happens. I solemnly swear I'm flying next time. Fucking Eurolines. But my holiday was great; those few weeks were all about my homeboys, my cats, my parents, getting smashed, putting things in perspective, maxing and relaxing in the sun and it was fucking lush. It was summer of 2004 all over again; sunshine, familiar faces, the skate park, sneakers & spliffs, party & bullshit. Also, hiphop wise things are going rather well for DenBosch, very good to see. I think I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm really really, like really living in 2 countries now. And that goes for actually physically and mentally being in the Netherlands too. yes I have two homes and I feel rather blessed now. I love the fact that I've found that peace again. It puts an end to some of the familiar violent thoughts that I've grown rather weary of. Anyway I'm fine with having to spend time in both countries now, which is a first for me, it took a while to get used to it. The transition phases still slightly seemed to be getting to me but as soon as I arrived in either destination everything felt more natural whereas in the past it took me several days spent sedated and in solitude to get back on track again. I got off the bus, smoked a fag, looked around me, took a few deep breaths and made my way home. For once I could let go of the tension and constant observation and look past the criticism. Babysteps mang, I'm uptight and anal retentive like that. I'm not perfect like you. :)

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