... Just another excuse to bust out the breakdancers and free oriental food platters. Apart from the London Design Festival kicking off that day, I wasn't really aware of what was happening and as I got off the tube there were suddenly hundreds of people blocking my path; eating, buying, doing and looking at all kinds of stuff. Boris even gave permission to use the 10m2 of 'beach' *cough* by the Festival Pier to create a festive atmosphere. The weather was brilliant, the food was excellent (mostly because some of it was free) and even though it was packed, no-one acted like they were caught up in a gridlockd-congestion-shitstorm at 6.00 PM on a Thursday evening. London... naturally.

oh snap, did you go on the saturday or sunday, i went as it was getting dark on the saturday after a visit to the royal opera house, i have some awesome tequila sunset sky shots!
i was hoping to get some fireworks pictures but had no luck as i turned up on the wrong day, d'oh
Haha, hi H. I went on saturday and wanted to see the fireworks and carnival (they were on sunday right??) but I fell asleep in the sun in the garden. Once I got up it was time for dinner and stuff and so I never went... I completely drained myself on saturday anyway :)
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