I also did another brief. The client this time is Duke Street, an industry leading private equity group, with offices in London and Paris. They recently moved to modern refined offices and require inspirational artwork to adorn the walls of their meeting rooms. The aim of the project is to complete photographic images or illustrations based around the theme of London. Duke Street would choose students whose work they think best represents their brand.
I undertook this mission with Emmanouil Zahariades, a greek fella in my year, who taught me some nifty Photoshop tricks and delivered some brilliant photographs used for the project. We came up with the idea to create multi exposure images consisting out of photographs of well known and less familiar sites of London and tried to merge the contemporary with the past, putting the emphasis of Londons colorfull, hectique, energetic and intricate vibe, keeping in mind that these images need to work as decorations in a professional environment as well as making a creative statement. We wanted to have the final results displayed as Duratrans. We submitted a variety of work; 1 panoramic image, 6 square images and 2 single wall filling images of London skylines.
The final hand in was yesterday as was the prizegiving supposed to be. But the jury decided to postpone the prizegiving and instead shortlisted a handfull of winners of who they're almost 100% sure that they want their work displayed in the London W1 office... and we're two of them, yeahboy! 4 of our 6 square images were selected for display. Unfortunately the lightbox idea isn't gonna to fly due to Health&Safety Hazards ( meh booh!), but they loved our images and would like to see them printed on proper photographic paper. If that's going to work, which I'm sure it will then our work is guaranteed a place on the walls in 2 of their meeting rooms.
Unfortunately I'm not yet in the position of showing you these 4 selected works but here are 2 of the squares and the panorama that didn't get selected for you to get a feel of what we've done. Once the project is finalised I'll show you the chose images.
Rule Brittania! Vivat Londonium! Bigups to Manolito, well done homeboy!