Monday, 17 November 2008


The Across The Pond - CSM Design show was advertised as follows: 

'This night Across The Pond is presenting a special art event, showing selected works made by students at Central Saint Martins 2nd year of the design department. We also got Robert Agren (Sweden), Jonatan Strøm, Jens Tandberg, Victoria Violent, Grandma, Bjørnar + a special guest on the decks
Tonight is a night for art by talented Central Saint Martins students! You dont want to miss the latest up and coming from londons creative lung accompanied by some wicked tunes. woho party party!' 

Right, uhuh. So yeah it turned out to be a wicked night, unfortunately apart from one person, no-one else bothered to put their work up, which was a bit of a let down, but hey.... "I like electro, I like retro, I like ghetto, house and techno." Here's to all you oddballs out there.


Here's some of the stuff I've been working on during the past 2 months.


Over the past year I've lost a lot of weight, hair and energy, and after having walked around with a 'jerked-off' face for 6 months, as my stephfather so blatantly put it, I'm gaining weight and strength again. A lot of it has to do with being in the right place doing the right things. But most of it has to do with being in he right place and EATING; Dicho's moussaka, Jade&Ikers Spanish ways of eating around the clock, sushi for lunch, 2:00 AM dimsum gettogethers with Jan and Andreas, exotic lazy sunday Brick Lane lunches, organic (I still don't taste the difference) dinner parties, international tea&cake brunches...

A gift.

From a former satisfied Cordings customer. Good karma came back to me in the shape of an Art Nouveau style decorated biscuit box... <3

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Another month has passed, what more could I wish for.

Typography classes.
Mr. Porky's.
New friends with intuitive insight.
Late-night illustration sessions with food and laughs.
New cakes.
Rediscovering the (ir)relevance of violence.
Effortless being.
Old friends that know exactly what's what.
The freaking guy with the cello.
Being in London.
Being shocked and gaining from it.
BBC iPlayer.
Meaningful literature.
Sleeping, waking up and falling asleep.
Bulgarian hospitality.
Cheap bus tickets.
Sainsbury's cold chick pee salad.
Photography revisited.
Markets that don't make me vomit.
Walks by the water.
Useful shit.
The girl with the silver hair.
Hampstead Heat.
New musical knowledge.
Being admired without making an effort.
Seeing friends fall in love.
A flatmate who picks you up at 2 AM with his taxi.
Being understood.
Dreaming about Saldjoe.
Next level discussions.
Being drawn (for the 1st time) by people with skills.
Feeling worthy.
Free fags.
New inspiration.
Knowing what's best for me.
Letting go.